Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Art of Observing in Poker

Part of the reason why a lot of poker players fail is due to their lack of appreciation on the importance of observation. Poker is not a game where in your actions are automated; the fact is that by keeping your eyes open, before and after the session, you will be able to win more games and make more money.

If you continuously study your opponents you are guaranteed to learn a lot. It's that simple. Most of the time you spend playing you will not be involved in a hand, and you should use that time to observe your opponents. Watch how each player plays their poker hand and use that information against them. It is important to listen to what they say. A lot of poker players will tell you what kind of hand they threw away or why they played a hand in a certain way. Try to figure out what they are holding and put them on hands whether you are involved in the pot or not. Consequently, when you are playing a hand with them, you will know what their checks, bets, calls and raises mean.
Pay equal attention to your own poker game and think of your poker table image at all times. You will notice that some players do not examine the game at all and therefore your table image is virtually non-existent when playing against them. Just as you search for tells in your opponents, look for tells in yourself. When you spot one in an opponent, consider whether or not you are displaying that very same tell.

Observation is key in poker, yet the fact remains that very few adhere to it. It is time consuming, true, but it will pay off. The more time that you spend in observing the game, learning from your opponents and taking stock of your money, the more skilled and polished you will be.

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1 comment:

Skoo Ⅱ said...

If you wear a cartoon mask for ever, I would not see what your real style is. You are good at camouflage, I suppose.

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